By Rose


Friday, May 1, 2020

Checking In...

Checking in... Hello beautiful people. It's been a while and what a year we've seen and lived in a matter of 2 months. How are you all doing in quarantine? I know it's not easy for a lot of you. No I am not here to tell you how to stay productive during this time, I've seen too many of these articles. If you want to stay productive and have to work, by all means do that. If you don't then rest and take it easy.

It's okay to be in your pajamas all day, catching up on all the shows you've been wanting to. It's okay to forgo makeup for a while and just be. You don't need to start a business right now, read a thousand books. Of course you should these things if that's what you absolutely want to do, but don't feel pressured to do so. I haven't worn clothes nor makeup for a whole month and I've loved every minute of it.
Anyone who knows me over the last few years would say I am social and an extrovert because I am pretty adventurous and typically never home. I can count on two hands how many full days of I've spent in the house in the last couple of years. If there's anyone who truly enjoys what New York City has to offer and living here, it's me. Also I have what feels like 3 full time jobs so I am always on the go and have been sleep deprived for months. In fact, I was on the brink of a breakdown at the beginning of the year. I had a shoot with my girls in February at TWA hotel & I almost passed out that day and my alarm went off for 3 hours without me even hearing it.
So when the world stopped I wanted to really just be the laziest I can be and do absolutely nothing.

That's exactly what I did. All April since I was on furlough(I am back at work now), I woke up at noon-1pm everyday and binged watch Sex and the city which I've been meaning to do so for years now but could not. I mean it's 20years later, and It's so relatable especially living here in NYC. The dating stories, the fashion. I am totally Charlotte to a T, art lover, her classic style, her dating views and now I am waiting for my Park Ave husband. I loved it so much and have since developed an unhealthy obsession with Manolos. I'm already on my 3rd pair. Oops!
I am not going to lie, it made me miss the city even more.

I had my Birthday in quarantine which was honestly the best since I like to be by myself on my birth day. But I am looking froward to celebrating with my friends when this is over.

I am falling in love with cooking again, but I still loathe doing dishes. I've been making shrimp tacos and avocado toast everyday. I've always loved baking banana bread so it's great seeing everyone make it.

I've been watching all the classic movies and I forgot how great they are. Now I cannot watch any new movies. I prefer the old times, the dialogue, the stories were just amazing. Funny face is definitely my favorite movie. It's shot in my all my favorite spots in NYC and Paris. It's loosely based off my favorite photographer Richard Avedon.

I rediscovered color. I've been on a neutral kick for the past 5years and it was what I needed at the time. I was getting decision fatigue from picking my outfits for my work and decided neutral was the way and loved every minute of it. Nowadays I want to inject feminine touches to my wardrobe and that means wearing a little bit of color and a lot of dresses. I want to forgo pants this summer. I am still going to wear my neutral once winter is back but for summer and vacation style It's about to get fun. If you want to shop with me live, be sure to follow me on instagram @dadouchic

I've also rediscovered shopping and my love for clothes. Life got too busy and I neglected some of my loves like shopping and I've introduced myself to so many wonderful retailers and brands that are making/carrying the clothes I want to wear. I forgot how fun it was to spend a whole night just scrolling and looking at beautiful clothes. She's back!

I've officially become a shoe girl! I was one to never really pay attention to accessories. I like to wear the same pair of shoes and bag with all my clothes. I am lazy fashion blogger, if I have to think about it I don't want it. These days, I am having so much fun with shoes and I've added quite a few pair to my wardrobe.

I know a lot of people want to travel right now, but honestly I just miss NYC. I'd be okay not going anywhere for the next year. When this year I started, I said to myself I did not want to travel anywhere this year and wanted to do less and get more. None of us could not have imagined it'd be under these circumstances.

It's hard to say that I've enjoyed quarantine because obliviously times are hard, people are losing their lives,jobs,etc. I am very much enjoying this saving the world by staying home and do absolutely nothing. Were there times where I was down, cried, screamed, cursing the world? Absolutely. It's okay. It's to the point where I avoid looking out of the window because it's like watching the world go by and I pray for rainy days so I don't feel too bad about not enjoying a sunny day...
I've tried making the most out of it by resting, shopping,cooking and not trying to be productive everyday and put pressure on myself. I am here to tell you, it's okay if you don't want to do anything during this time!

I have a lot more content coming. Hope y'all staying safe and healthy!
Xoxo, Rose

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