By Rose


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Best Picnic Dresses


2020 is the year of picnics! I have been trying to do a picnic in Central Park for the past 5 years and never had time to really plan and sit down. But all that chnaged this year due to Covid-19 slowing everything down, & with restaurants being closed for months the only place I've been able to go and see friends is a picnic. Also being in nature during these hard times has been so beneficial for my psyche. I am lucky enough as a New Yorker to have a park in my building where I can picnic and walk anytime I want. I would love to know what activity have you been doing a lot during this pandemic.

Since I've been picnicking quite a lot these last couple of months and wearing all my beautiful dresses. I tought I'd filmed a video on the best dresses for picnics. Watch it below.

Thank you for reading,
Xoxo, Rose

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