By Rose



Monthly Goals : October

Hello guys! I've been meaning to start this series #goals since the
beginning of the year but completely forgot. I was inspired by Katelavie to do this and it's also a way to keep myself accountable. Sure, I write my goals down for the month but I think putting it out there will be good in helping me take action. I used to write down my new year's resolution every year and at the end of the year I used to wonder on how I didn't make any progress. It's great to have long terms goals, but I think it's good to break them down in small chunks monthly/weekly/daily to make them more attainable. Breaking my goals down has worked for me a great deal. It's so important to write our goals down, it sparks something in our brain & direct our attention towards the things/experiences we aim for.

01. Finalized design on a new product I'm adding to my brand DadouStudios. When I set out to get into making things,clothes were not the 1st on my list. I had other things in mind which I am making a priority this month. I cannot tell you guys, what is it yet but if you have been following my blog for awhile now, you could probably tell.

02. Get back to making YouTube videos. although I've been publishing some vlogs recently, what I really want to make are some sit down videos but setting a time can be though since I am usually booked on the weekends with photography. That brings me to my next goal...

03. Put myself out there more with my photography. Right now I do have a handful of clients and I'm looking to expand my clientele. I work with bloggers, so if any of you are in the Tristate area and want to shoot for your blog, shoot me an email

04. To blog more. I've had this blog for more than 6 years now, and feel like a newbie sometimes. I used to think oh this blogger just came on the scene and they're up there and I've been in this game for so long and still here. Yes the comparison trap, the lack mentality. I realized last year, It's all because I have not treated my blog like I should have and didn't put much effort like other bloggers were. Consistency is the name of the game in this social media age. I've come to realize so many things last year that were holding me back. For one, it doesn't matter how much talent you have if you are not passionate and putting in the work your talent doesn't mean sh*t. No one owes you anything, you have to work for it if you want it. No such thing as the perfect time, the time is now.

05. Work out more. I have been pretty consistent with working out since I'm working on growing my booty.

I'm enjoying writing a lot more these days. share with me some of your goals for this month.

Thank you for reading,
Xoxo, Rose




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