By Rose



Setting Intentions For The New Year

You’ve heard the saying, “New Year, New You!” I was never one to make resolutions and I don't know whether or not it's a bad thing. I know for sure that not setting intentions for the new year has definitely been my downfall.  I've always told myself that Christmas and new years are a bad time for me and guess what! They always were. Until last year, I finally realized that you attract what you focus on. For every time I've said that I would have a bad Christmas, I did.This time around, I told myself I am going to have an amazing Christmas and this was definitely my favorite Christmas yet. I got to spend time and eat with the people I love and I received so many gifts this year. Way more than I've imagined. I am grateful for each and everyone who gifted me something.I know most people were so focus on how bad 2016 was, but when I count all the amazing things that happened I can't even pinpoint anything bad.

But, time flies when you have a busy lifestyle, and there is not always enough time to implement healthy changes. You may already have a New Years Resolution in mind, but have not identified your intention for the New Year. Knowing your intentions will allow for you to before hone in on the changes you want to make and set attainable goals with a clear timeline in mind, ultimately making your resolution appear less daunting.
I think settings intentions are so important. Last year I was intentional about losing weight, gaining new  skills and do more reading. I made time to cook at home, I have been bringing my lunch every day since this time last year. I became a pescatarian/vegetarian, gluten free/dairy-free. I've lost more weight than I set goal for. I've read some life changing books. I want to do a post of books recommendation if you guys are interested. I've taken few sewing classes and now I I am ready to start working on my line.

I won't tell you guys all my intentions for this year but I will share 10. What are some of your intentions for the year? Do share

  1. Be open to meeting new people. Make new friends.
  2. Take DadouChic to the next level. I want to focus more time on creating amazing content that I enjoy.
  3. Travel more.(6 new countries)
  4. Appreciate my friends, family
  5. Give more(donate, volunteer)
  6. Become my own boss
  7. pick up yoga
  8. Read more
  9. Better writer
  10. Launching my line

Thank you for reading,
Xoxo, Rose




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